Positive Feedback on HTAAD Seminar

The three day seminar, in Oslo and Nesodden, Norway, was well recieved by participants.

Publisert 05.12.2016
Sist oppdatert 25.10.2024
The partissipants
From left: Julie De Backer, Yskert von Kodolitsch, Svend Rand-Henriksen, Nele Gessler, Lies Roonbaut, Ingeborg Lidal, Jostein Grimsmo, Vigdis Johnsen, Nina Riise, Reed Pyeritz og Trine Bathen.

Information in Norwegian

About​ the seminar

The Seminar was arranged by TRS Resource Centre for Rare Disorders Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, Norway, in cooperation with ; Oslo University Hospital and Marfan Clinics at the University Hospitals in Hamburg and Ghent

The first two days were arranged at Oslo University Hospital and focused on hereditery aorthopaties and Marfan syndrome. The last day was arranged as a work shop, at TRS Resource Centre.

Experiences from participants

​" The smaller the better," was the verdict by Julie De Backer, Prof . Dr. MD Department of Cardiology and Center for Medical Genetics, Ghent University Hospital.

She refers to the format of the seminar which was hosted by TRS Center for Rare Diseases on Hereditary Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection (HTAAD).

De Backer is more familiar with large conferences and feels like this type of intimate setting gives the participants a unique opportunity for discussions and networking.

The first two days of the seminar took place at Rikshospitalet in Oslo, where lectures were given. The last day concluded with workshops at TRS in Nesodden.

"These days have confirmed my professional conclusions on a number of questions," explains Yskert von Kodolitsch, Prof. Dr. MD., MBA fra University Heart Center Hamburg.

Nele Gessler, MD fra University Heart Center Hamburg believes the HTAAD seminar has been a new experience.

"I really enjoy this set-up. Everyone is very interested and the discussions are many and exciting. Compared to large conferences this makes it easier to share our experiences," she explains.

Gesser also believes the dinner the first evening was a good idea to "break the ice" between the participants. 

"Several of the participants have impressive records which makes it nerve wracking to speak in front of them. But meeting like this, informally, makes it easier to have discussions afterwards," Gesser said.

Webinar and​ presentations

Here is a link to the full seminar as webinar:

November 28

November 29