Avlagte doktorgrader

Denne siden viser doktorgrader som er avlagt av ansatte ved Sunnaas sykehus de siste 10 årene. Den første doktorgraden ble avlagt allerede i 1982.


Adding brain health to years - A neuroimaging and intervention study exploring how activity, participation, and physical function links to normative brain aging and post-stroke cognitive training response
Anne-Marthe Olsen Sanders

Attentional networks in aging and stroke: an fMRI study
Erlend Solberg Dørum

Pediatric acquired brain injury in Norway – outcomes and the development of an individualized and goal-oriented rehabilitation intervention
Ingvil Laberg Holthe


Stroke and cognitive control: functional MRI, lesion characteristics, and treatment response
Knut K. Kolskår

Oropharyngeal dysphagia in adults
Maribeth C. Rivelsrud

Videoconferencing for Follow-Up of Pressure Injury. Period Prevalence, Risks, Treatment and Financial Consequences
Ingebjørg Irgens

Development of persistent fatigue after moderate and severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
Daniel Løke


The Norwegian Adult Achondroplasia Study: A population-based study of medical complications, physical functioning, cardiovascular risk factors, and body composition in adults with achondroplasia
Svein Otto Fredwall

Spatiotemporal correlates of cognitive control: proactive and reactive control of response inhibition and associations with resting state activity
Mari Sælid Messel

Spinal cord injury in North Macedonia with a community dwelling comparison to Norway​
Vesna Miloshevska Jakimovska


Cardiometabolic health and the ageing brain: Using brain and body MRI to elucidate the body-brain axis in healthy adults
Dani Beck​

Telerehabilitation for post-stroke aphasia. Technical features, feasibility, acceptability and effects on language outcomes of augmented speech and language therapy by videoconference 
Hege Prag Øra


Gait and gait variability in individuals with Parkinson’s disease – validity, reliability and long-term effects of intensive balance and gait training
Linda Rennie


Cellular and molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy after spinal cord injury
Mladen Savikj

Identifying markers of brain health and plasticity: A neuroimaging and behavioral study of cognitive aging and cognitive training following stroke
Genevieve Richard


Attentional resources in unilateral spatial neglect
Kjersti Mæhlum Walle

Momentum of Coordination Reform: Changing Rehabilitation Policies and Practices? A Critical Discourse Analysis
Anne-Stine Bergquist Røberg, sykepleier

The effect of cognitive reserve in brain diseases: findings and mechanism(s)
Carl Fredrik Eliassen

High intensity aerobic exercise in ambulatory persons with an incomplete spinal cord injury
Matthijs Wouda


Goal Management Training combined with external cueing and an emotional regulation module in the chronic phase of acquired brain injury. A randomized controlled trail
Sveinung Tornås, psykolog, cand.psyckol., Universitetet i Oslo

Clinical utility of cognitive Event Related Potentials (ERP) in severe acquired brain injury
Solveig Lægreid Hauger, psykolog, cand.psyckol., Universitetet i Oslo

Critical factors for safe driving after an acquired brain injury
Per Ola Rike, psykolog, cand.psyckol., Universitetet i Oslo

Evaluations of the project "Rapid Return to Work"
Dag Brekke, cand.med., Universitetet i Oslo


Fall og fallskader blant RMS i Norge og Sverige I
Vivien Jørgensen, fysioterapeut, Karolinska Institutet

Changes in occupational pattern after disability
Annica E.M. Johansson, ergoterapeut, Universitetet i Oslo

Psychosocial aspects of adults with Marfan Syndrome. A cross sectional study of challenges related to work, satisfaction with life, chronic pain and fatigue
Gry Velvin, sosionom, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus


Cognitive rehabilitation of executive functions in adults with Spina Bifida: Efficiacy of Goal Management Training.
Jan Stubberud, cand.psychol.


Effect of treadmill training with body weight support on walking and transfer after severe stroke.
Ellen Høyer, ph.d., Universitetet i Bergen


Executive functions after focal lesions to the lateral, orbital and medial subdivisions of the prefrontal cortex - neuropsychological, behavioral and electrophysiological findings
Marianne Løvstad

Muscle metabolism, diurnal androgenic axis activity and hemostatic regulation of importance to health after cervical spinal cord injuries
Emil Kostovski



Sist oppdatert 16.01.2025