Service Declaration

Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital is the leading specialist hospital in the field of medical rehabilitation in Norway. The rehabilitation process also includes educational training, health- and nursing assessment and counselling on relevant topics to patients, relatives and collaborators. You will find that our core values, professionalism, involvement and joy are a natural part of the atmosphere and the everyday life at our hospital.

Your welfare as a patient is important to us. On arrival you will meet your multidisciplinary team, who will be at your side all through the rehabilitation process. Together you will make a plan for attaining your goals. The way may be hard and toilsome, but your team will be there, giving you advices and support in every possible way.

The length of stays varies. However, no matter what your injury is - at the first team meeting, you will be given an assumed date of dismissal. You are already on your way to your first leave of absence. Self training at home is essential, and you will be encouraged to spend some days at home when it is considered safe as to your injury and health challenges.

Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital provides several treatment programs, assessment services, outpatient clinic and evaluations and check-ups – individually or in group sessions. You will find more information on

Rehabilitation is a continuous process. The multidisciplinary rehabilitation activities usually take place during the day, but all our patients are encouraged to participate in various cultural activities or hobby sessions offered in the recreation room. The hospital is staffed by nurses, auxiliary nurses and doctor on duty in the evenings, at night and weekends. If you call for assistance, you will get help within 3-4 minutes.

  • Doctor
  • Speech therapist
  • Team coordinator
  • Psychologist
  • Auxiliary nurse
  • Nurse
  • Social worker
  • Occupational therapist
  • Physical therapist

When necessary, we will provide

  • Hand surgeon
  • Orthophedist
  • Pediatrician
  • Plastic surgeon
  • Urologist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Ophtalmologist
  • Pharmacist
  • Counsellor on sexuality
  • Priest
  • Driving instructor
  • User Consultant
  • Sports instructor

The doctor responsible for your treatment, take care of the medication you will need during your stay. Nurses will ensure that you receive the prescribed medication at the correct time. Your doctor or your treatment team will be available for answering questions regarding your medication, side effects etc. If you take more than two different medicines, you will receive a list of medication when you leave the hospital.

Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital offers a nutritious and varied diet. If there should be any medical or cultural reason for a special diet, please contact us prior to hospitalizing, and we will ensure that you are offered what is right for you.

Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital holds university status which sets high standards regarding our ambitious research programs. Our main goal is to develop new and improved treatment methods, which in the end will benefit our patients. Hence you may be asked to if you are willing to participate in student teaching or a research project during your stay. Participation is voluntary.

The patient's rights are described in a brochure, which you may download from our web site. The social worker and your rehabilitation team will be at your disposal if you should need to contact a lawyer or the Patient's ombudsman. Children's rights are upheld according to the regulations pertaining to children admitted to a health institution.

As a patient at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital you have the right to make use of free interpreter services. At multipurpose meetings you may need interpreting assistance. On request your team will arrange for a qualified interpreter for your disposal. For further information, see the Directorate of Health's new brochure Pasient og folk.

One of the Committee`s most important task is to contribute to the improvement of the hospitals services as well as upholding the interests of the patients and their relatives. Following this the Committee assists in disseminating knowledge about the patient's rights and obligations, patient's safety, collaboration and latencies. The Committee Members are appointed by the patient organizations SAFO and FFO. The Committee has an advisory function towards the management and the board. You may contact the Users Committee on

You may file a hospital complaint, in writing, to the Head of the Clinical department. All complaints are taken seriously and used in our improvement work. Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital follows the National Patient Safety program, which includes the importance of harmonizing medicine lists as well as programs to prevent pressure ulcers, fall injuries and infections.

Before you are discharged from the hospital, we will ask you to answer our patient survey, which is of great importance to our improvement work. You may also give us verbal feedback through your team. Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital systematically works for quality improvment, hence your feedback is so valuable. Every rehabilitation program is accredited by Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). The accreditation is your insurance for attaining your goals and results.

  • Learning and Coping , courses for patients, relatives and professionals
  • Adapted teaching for children, adolescents and adults
  • An ambulant team, who you may consult after discharge from hospital

You will receive further information concerning your stay on admittance at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital.

If you have any queries, please call the Service telephone on 66969696. If you wish to contact the User Committee at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, please e-mail

Last updated 12/9/2022