Cognitive functions of relevance to driving in elderly persons

Project leader 

Per-Ola Rike, clinical neuropsychologist, PhD, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital


Many older drivers and survivors of stroke have cognitive impairments that increase the risk of motor vehicle accidents. However, the cognitive tests recommended by the Norwegian Directorate of Health, the Mini Mental Status Examination, Trail Making Test A+B and Clock Drawing Test, do not measure critical functions such as visual attention and reaction time. In this study we explore to what extent these cognitive tests are related to performance on an on-road driving test compared to computerized tests of visual attention and reaction time. Participants include survivors of stroke from Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital. In september 2023, 37 participants have been included. 

PI: Per-Ola Rike, neuropsychologist, PhD, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital

Ellisiv Mehammer, occupational therapist, Master student Oslo Metropolitan University.

Hannes Devos, ass. professor, leader of the Advanced Rehabilitation Research in Simulation, KU Medical Center, University of Kansas, USA

Dag Terje Langnes, section leader in The Norwegian Public Roads Aministration.

Hans J. Johansen, clinical neuropsykologist, Clinic Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vestfold Hospital Trust, Stavern. 

Ethical approvals 

Approved by Regional Committees for Medical Research Ethics South East Norway, reference number 507980 and by Data Protection Services for research (SIKT), reference number 227129  



Time period 

March 2023-2027 

Last updated 12/10/2023